9 research outputs found

    Start-Up of a PID Fuzzy Logic-Embedded Control System for the Speed of a DC Motor Using LabVIEW

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    This work explains the speed control design for a DC motor using fuzzy logic with LabVIEW software. It is also a literature review about the design and the implementation environment and is presented using fuzzy logic to describe the materials and methods used. Various processes on the subject highlight the idea, creation, development, and implementation of intelligent control, and the results considering the application and development for this purpose are presented

    Control Strategy for Underactuated Multi-Fingered Robot Hand Movement Using Electromyography Signal with Wearable Myo Armband

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    The main goal of this research is to develop a control strategy for an underactuated robotic hand, based on surface electromyography (sEMG) signal obtained from a wireless Myo gesture armband, to distinguish six, several hand movements. The pattern recognition system is employed to analyze these gestures and consists of three main parts: segmentation, feature extraction, and classification. A series of 150 trials is carried out for each movement and it is established which was most suitable for electromyography signals that can be later used in recognition systems. A backpropagation neural network was used as a classifier. The architecture has a hidden network and six output layers. The number of neurons of the hidden network (20) was determined based on the performance in training progress. The proposed system is tested on datasets extracted from five healthy subjects. A great accuracy (94.94% correct assessment). between the experimentally values and those predicted by the artificial neural network (ANN) was achieved. In addition, kinematic analysis of the proposed underactuated hand has been carried out to verify the motion range of the joints. Simulations and experiments are carried out to verify the effectiveness of the proposed fingers mechanism and the hand prosthesis to generate grasp or postures

    Shallow convolutional network excel for classifying motor imagery EEG in BCI applications

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    Many studies applying Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs) based on Motor Imagery (MI) tasks for rehabilitation have demonstrated the important role of detecting the Event-Related Desynchronization (ERD) to recognize the user鈥檚 motor intention. Nowadays, the development of MI-based BCI approaches without or with very few calibration stages session-by-session for different days or weeks is still an open and emergent scope. In this work, a new scheme is proposed by applying Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) for MI classification, using an end-to-end Shallow architecture that contains two convolutional layers for temporal and spatial feature extraction. We hypothesize that a BCI designed for capturing event-related desynchronization/synchronization (ERD/ERS) at the CNN input, with an adequate network design, may enhance the MI classification with fewer calibration stages. The proposed system using the same architecture was tested on three public datasets through multiple experiments, including both subject-specific and non-subject-specific training. Comparable and also superior results with respect to the state-of-the-art were obtained. On subjects whose EEG data were never used in the training process, our scheme also achieved promising results with respect to existing non-subject-specific BCIs, which shows greater progress in facilitating clinical applications

    Monte Carlo dropout for uncertainty estimation and motor imagery classification

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    Motor Imagery (MI)-based Brain鈥揅omputer Interfaces (BCIs) have been widely used as an alternative communication channel to patients with severe motor disabilities, achieving high classification accuracy through machine learning techniques. Recently, deep learning techniques have spotlighted the state-of-the-art of MI-based BCIs. These techniques still lack strategies to quantify predictive uncertainty and may produce overconfident predictions. In this work, methods to enhance the performance of existing MI-based BCIs are proposed in order to obtain a more reliable system for real application scenarios. First, the Monte Carlo dropout (MCD) method is proposed on MI deep neural models to improve classification and provide uncertainty estimation. This approach was implemented using Shallow Convolutional Neural Network (SCNN-MCD) and with an ensemble model (E-SCNN-MCD). As another contribution, to discriminate MI task predictions of high uncertainty, a threshold approach is introduced and tested for both SCNN-MCD and E-SCNN-MCD approaches. The BCI Competition IV Databases 2a and 2b were used to evaluate the proposed methods for both subject-specific and non-subject-specific strategies, obtaining encouraging results for MI recognition

    An谩lisis comparativo entre de MAE y RNA en se帽ales de EMG obtenidas para control de una pr贸tesis mano rob贸tica

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    En las 煤ltimas d茅cadas, la industria de la rob贸tica est谩 evolucionando de manera exponencial y se pueden hacer robots humanoides, as铆 como de poder realizar las funciones f铆sicas de las personas. Desde este punto de vista, las manos rob贸ticas son vitales para muchas personas que padecen bien sea de una amputaci贸n o de alguna enfermedad. El objetivo principal de esta investigaci贸n fue clasificar las se帽ales de Electromiograf铆a (EMG) recibidas del brazo humano de personas sanas y luego realizar la aplicaci贸n manual con mano rob贸tica en un entorno virtual. Esto es muy importante para comprender y clasificar la estructura geom茅trica del objeto contenido en aplicaciones de mano rob贸tica. Se investig贸 el tiempo de clasificaci贸n y la relaci贸n de precisi贸n entre las Redes Neuronales Artificiales (RNA) y las Maquinas de Aprendizaje Extremo (MAE) utilizados para esta clasificaci贸n. Para ello, se extrajeron 10 caracter铆sticas y las clasificaciones se probaron utilizando RNA y MAE. Los resultados de clasificaci贸n exitosos obtenidos se compararon entre s铆 y se aplicaron a una mano rob贸tica virtual utilizando el programa V-Rep

    Dise帽o e implementaci贸n de una pr贸tesis de mano rob贸tica antropom贸rfica subactuada

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    El proyecto de investigaci贸n es orientado a construir un prototipo de mano rob贸tica subactuada antropom贸rfica, la cual fue dise帽ada empleando Solidwork para plasmar cada una de las fracciones mec谩nicas de la mano como son la palma, la mu帽eca y las falanges entre otras, que permitiera efectuar distintos modelos de posturas, agarre o movimientos semejantes al de una mano humana. As铆 mismo, se ha desarrollado una interfaz entre LabView y Arduino para realizar el control de los cinco (5) servos que forman el mecanismo subactuado, logrando movimientos de las falanges mediante la rotaci贸n en su eje los cuales cuentan con tendones como mecanismo de transmisi贸n para realizar las diferentes posturas de agarre o posturas planteadas. El articulo describe la obtenci贸n de los par谩metros de Denavit-Hartenberg del prototipo de pr贸tesis rob贸tica mediante los cuales se implementa en el software Labview como interfaz de usuario. Se desarrolla el hardware mediante el cual se controlan los servos por intermedio del microcontrolador ATmega32U4. Por 煤ltimo, se implementan diferentes posturas de agarre de objetos similar a las posturas realizadas por la mano humana

    A comparative study on slurry erosion behavior of HVOF sprayed coatings

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    In actual work, slurry erosion behavior of three different HVOF sprayed cermet coatings has been studied. The coatings were developed using the powders feedstock having WC fine structured sizes, Cr3C2-NiCr 75-25 and NiCrWSiFeB, latter conventional grain sizes. The slurry erosion testing was performed using a laboratory made pot-type slurry erosion tester, at an impact velocity of 3.61m/s and 9.33 m/s and impact angle of 30 and 90潞. The mechanism of material removal in slurry erosion was studied and discussed on microstructural investigations and mechanical properties under the erosion conditions. It was observed that the WC-CoCr cermet coating with fine WC grain exhibits higher erosion resistance as compared to conventional cermet coating due to its improved properties like low porosity, high micro-hardness and fracture toughness

    A comparative study on slurry erosion behavior of HVOF sprayed coatings

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    In actual work, slurry erosion behavior of three different HVOF sprayed cermet coatings has been studied. The coatings were developed using the powders feedstock having WC fine structured sizes, Cr3C2-NiCr 75-25 and NiCrWSiFeB, latter conventional grain sizes. The slurry erosion testing was performed using a laboratory made pot-type slurry erosion tester, at an impact velocity of 3.61m/s and 9.33 m/s and impact angle of 30 and 90潞. The mechanism of material removal in slurry erosion was studied and discussed on microstructural investigations and mechanical properties under the erosion conditions. It was observed that the WC-CoCr cermet coating with fine WC grain exhibits higher erosion resistance as compared to conventional cermet coating due to its improved properties like low porosity, high micro-hardness and fracture toughness.Este trabajo investiga el comportamiento del desgaste en mezclas erosivas de recubrimientos depositados mediante la t茅cnica de proyecci贸n t茅rmica usando el proceso HVOF. Se analizaron tres tipos de recubrimientos, WC-CoCr con estructura de grano fino, Cr3C2-NiCr 75-25 y NiCrWSiFeB, estos 煤ltimos con tama帽os de grano convencional. Los ensayos de desgaste erosivo se desarrollaron usando un trib贸metro de recipiente de mezclas para evaluar la resistencia a la erosi贸n de los recubrimientos a velocidades de impacto de 3.61 m/s y 9.33 m/s y 谩ngulos de impacto de 30 y 90潞. El mecanismo de desgaste de los recubrimientos fue estudiado y discutido sobre la base del examen microestructural y la influencia de sus propiedades mec谩nicas. Se observ贸 que el recubrimiento de carburo de tungsteno exhibe mejor resistencia a la erosi贸n comparada con los recubrimientos de carburo de cromo y met谩lico debido a sus propiedades de microdureza, tenacidad a la fractura y menor porosidad

    An谩lisis comparativo entre de MAE y RNA en se帽ales de EMG obtenidas para control de una pr贸tesis mano rob贸tica

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    En las 煤ltimas d茅cadas, la industria de la rob贸tica est谩 evolucionando de manera exponencial y se pueden hacer robots humanoides, as铆 como de poder realizar las funciones f铆sicas de las personas. Desde este punto de vista, las manos rob贸ticas son vitales para muchas personas que padecen bien sea de una amputaci贸n o de alguna enfermedad. El objetivo principal de esta investigaci贸n fue clasificar las se帽ales de Electromiograf铆a (EMG) recibidas del brazo humano de personas sanas y luego realizar la aplicaci贸n manual con mano rob贸tica en un entorno virtual. Esto es muy importante para comprender y clasificar la estructura geom茅trica del objeto contenido en aplicaciones de mano rob贸tica. Se investig贸 el tiempo de clasificaci贸n y la relaci贸n de precisi贸n entre las Redes Neuronales Artificiales (RNA) y las Maquinas de Aprendizaje Extremo (MAE) utilizados para esta clasificaci贸n. Para ello, se extrajeron 10 caracter铆sticas y las clasificaciones se probaron utilizando RNA y MAE. Los resultados de clasificaci贸n exitosos obtenidos se compararon entre s铆 y se aplicaron a una mano rob贸tica virtual utilizando el programa V-Rep